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The intention of uThinkIndigo is to build a

Global Think Tank that liberates the individual, strengthens families, and maximizes creativity of organizations. Our mission is to connect a minimum of

1.4 Billion people with

The Indigo Approach by 2025 to elevate the way humanity thinks.

~Melissa Perkins, Founder

uGO! Soul

A wonderful service for Entertainers across the industry, schedule a one-hour session where you meet with an expert analyst focusing on artist development, production, or consumer analysis. Experience our popular Entertainment Review that gives you great insight on your career or upcoming projects. 

Pondering Soul

Recommended for Creatives & Performer

uGO! Sound

Enter what we affectionately call "The Machine". As an artist, we assist you in cultivating your sound, solidifying your audience, and creating a signature brand. This process takes within three weekly sessions and gives a musician/performing artists the resources and nurturing they require to be a game changer in the music industry.

Dj on Stage

Recommended for Creatives & Performers

uGO! Grid

Embed one of our gifted analysts into your weekly operations (four sessions per month) to help generate solutions for projects or initiatives in a variety of industries including healthcare, tech, and education. For more projects requiring more than one analyst, a customized quote will be generated.


Recommended for Global Influencers & Knowledge Seekers.

uGO! VIP Day

Take your business to the next level with a VIP Day designed just for you. You'll work closely with a team experts to identify your business's strengths and weaknesses, create an actionable plan of growth. Streamline your operations, increase your revenue, and expand your reach. 

Colleagues Working Together

Recommended for Global Influencers & Creatives/Performers.

uGO! Master

We are champions of home and corporate learning opportunities.  Connect your intelligence to our team of analysts from the education, business, and tech sector. Select a one-hour workshop from one of our engaging industry experts. 

Online Workshop

Recommended for All Community Members.

uGO! Entertain

This quarterly subscription gives you three monthly private workshops with a seasoned industry expert to guide you in career planning, film/television production, funding prep. Participants work extensively for three months on a project or professional development portfolio.

Acting Audition

Recommended for Creatives/ Performers..

uGO! Learn

Select a four session course created by one of our experienced analysts from a variety of industries including entertainment, tech, and academia.

Learn at your own pace and open up a world of infinite possibilities for yourself. 

Online Meeting

Recommended for Knowledge Seekers and Creative/Performers.

uGO! Travel

Business travel like a boss. Allow our team of global analysts to create a customized budget and handle your lodging, meals, and transportation for 7 days. Destinations at this time include Washington DC, Los Angeles CA, Lagos Nigeria, and Accra, Ghana.

Getting Out of Limousine

Recommended for Global Influencers & Creatives/Performers.

uTHINKINDIGO All Rights Reserved © 2025

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