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Writer's pictureAntonietta McGoey

The Importance of Reading Everyday by Lucretia Pearce

Reading can be difficult for some. These days, it may seem easier to peer at computer and smartphone screens, than to pick up a book and read it, causing some to view reading as a chore. Although a number of people dislike reading in general, there are others who champion the benefits of completing a good book. Why is it easier for some than others? Solid reasons exist for those who appreciate reading, as well as those who do not. However, the benefits of reading every day cannot be denied.

The stress of life and one's inability to focus can cause the mind to wander. Adults and children alike can have trouble concentrating. It is easy to be distracted by social media, thinking about tomorrow and even what the family is having for dinner. Lack of concentration affects people differently. But it can be worsened by several external factors such as your environment, the time of day, and what is taking place at the moment. If you are tired, have a mental or physical health condition, and have trouble calming your mind, reading will be difficult because it requires you to concentrate.

Another reason some may not like to read is the lack of good reading skills, which causes them to read at a slower pace, and frustration bubbles up. They may feel incompetent because reading feels more time-consuming than life-giving.

Our human body is our most brilliant tool and vehicle by which to acquire knowledge. Be grateful and take good care of it.

This is one of the keys under the principle, Five Declarations of Intellectual Existence, from the book entitled, The Indigo Approach: A Guide to Conscious Learning. One of the primary ways we acquire knowledge is through reading. It opens up the soul to endless opportunities and possibilities. We will explore the importance of reading every day and the benefits of reading for everyone since the brain is a prominent part of that "brilliant tool."

Reading actually improves concentration and the ability to focus. In order to improve in this area, individuals must practice. The best way to do this is through reading because it requires your undivided attention. The more you read, the better your concentration and focus will become. It also improves literacy. When you read you are introduced to new words. The more you read, the more your vocabulary grows. This will, in turn, enhance your ability to communicate clearly with others, and your writing skills are also greatly improved. Children benefit from reading every day because it opens up a world of knowledge from a very early age, and strong early reading skills can lead to higher test scores and higher intelligence later in life.

The brain, inside of that brilliant tool referred to in The Indigo Approach, comes alive when you read. Reading activates your left frontal lobe, which helps you understand letters and words. There are also parts of the brain that analyze the flow of words and tense, and trigger your emotions so that you can accept and retain information. As a result, your brain's activity is boosted, enhancing your ability to follow a story's progression.

So, if you want to boost your memory, read every day. When you read, your brain analyzes and processes the text more deeply than when you listen to or watch different screens. The act of reading allows you to follow a story from beginning to end, chapter by chapter, so your attention is drawn to the structure of the story. Unlike the internet, your brain's attention is divided and you are switching between tasks.

With age comes a decline in memory and brain function. Alzheimer’s and dementia are prevalent. However, reading improves brain activity and helps the brain rewire itself. Reading every day is a way to enhance communication within the brain because it is an exercise for the brain. It gives the brain a good workout. According to research published in Neurology, regular reading helps slow the process, keeping minds sharper for longer.

Although reading may present its challenges, there are many benefits to reading every day. Since it is a primary way to gain an understanding of the world around us, we should establish a time to read daily. It is a healthy habit that, once developed, brings great physical and mental rewards.

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